
My name is Connor Nail. A highly motivated, analytical, and technical software developer with a graduate degree in Robotics & Autonomous Systems. Demonstrated background in virtual reality and augmented reality application development with experience in developing for the web and mobile devices.

Contact me

My Resume


Clan Base

Clan Base is a third-party companion website for Destiny 2 that utilizes the Bungie API to create a place for users to visualize data related to player interactions.

Relevant Skills

  • React
  • Next.JS
  • MongoDB


ADD-ictive is a mobile game developed using Unity for both iOS and Android. The game is like Suduko but requires players to use addition and subtraction to complete the puzzles.

Relevant Skills

  • Unity
  • C#
  • iOS
  • Android


Weekly seeks to provide users with a deep insight into their computer usage, provide feedback on productivity, and motivate establishing productive habits through online competitions.

Relevant Skills

  • React
  • Electron
  • AWS

Intuitive Human Controlled Robotic Arm

A custom-built robotic arm that utilizes a VR headset and controller to mimic a user’s arm movement.

Relevant Skills

  • ROS
  • MoveIt
  • Python
  • Unity
  • CAD


CHARLOTTE is developed to operate as a scientific exploration rover tasked with searching permanently shadowed craters on the Lunar south pole in search of water ice.

Relevant Skills

  • CAD
  • Ansys
  • Flownex
  • ROS


VELOS is a configurable multi-probe system that is launched from a lander into a permanently shadowed region of the lunar south pole.

Relevant Skills

  • CAD
  • Ansys

Chess Robot

A pick and place robotic arm designed for playing chess. A computed torque control system was designed for this system and simulated using Simulink and MATLAB.

Relevant Skills

  • Simulink
  • Solidworks


I have used many different tools and developed many skills throughout my career.

  • React

    Built a website and desktop app using React alongside Electron and Next.js.
  • Node.js

    Used to creat web servers and develop APIs.
  • Python

    Used primarily for machine learning, data manipulation, and http servers.
  • C#

    Used alongside Unity to develop multiple applications.
  • Unity

    Developed applications for iPhone, Android, HoloLens, Oculus, and Desktop.
  • Git

    Used both for code version control and for collaborating on software projects.
  • Machine Learning

    Utilized Scikit-Learn and Keras to create many different types of ML models.
  • MongoDB

    Ipmlemented for IOT devices and web server storage.

    Used for small tasks such as web scraping, file management, and data manipulation.

    Wrote many custom functions to solve problems both numerically and analytically.
  • ROS

    Utilized this framework to develop a control structure for multiple systems.
  • CAD

    Solidworks CSWP Certificate acquired for mechanical CAD design.
  • Ansys

    Used static, dynamic, thermal, shock, and random vibe simulations to help with design iteration and testing.
  • Flownex

    Utilized this tool to develop fluid flow simulations as well as thermal control systems.
  • JSL

    Created data visualization tools for manufacturing statistics that aided in process decision making.

My Journey

Some of the major milestones so far

Personal Achievements

Eagle Scout

Troop 923


Solidworks Certification


Mobile App Downloads


NASA Big Idea Challenge Finalist

© 2022 Connor Nail . All rights reserved.